Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Soil Acidity and Plant Problems

When the acid soil to note are:
Correcting soil acidity to match the pH of the necessary plant, pool and pond.Saturation neutralize substances - substances that poison the soil, plants, pools and ponds where the substance is a substance much like Al (aluminum), Fe (iron), Cu (Copper). Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of absorption of substances - nutrients that already exist in the soil both derived from organic materials and provision of other fertilizers such as urea, TSP and KCl. Maintain high availability of micro nutrients according to crop needs. This means that with Calcium (CaO) and magnesium (MgO) is quite sufficient elements mikropun. Improve soil porosity, soil structure and aeration as well as beneficial for microbiological and chemical soil so the soil becomes loose, smooth circulation of air in the soil and makes the seedling roots were free to move to suck nutrients from the soil. Activator various types of plant enzymes, stimulate the formation of compounds of fats and oils, and carbohydrate. Helps translocation of starch and phosphorus distribution in the body of plants. Leaf color-forming elements (Chlorophyll), so as to create the perfect green leaf

Calcium and magnesium are given in ponds / pond fish is one way to enhance the productivity of conventional pools / ponds as well as a sanitary way to clean the pool / pond of pests and diseases

Calcium deficiency symptoms (CaO) and magnesium (MgO):
 In the grain-producing plants will produce seeds weak, wrinkled, and flat does not contain
 Flower buds and fruit rot and will eventually fall
 Death of growing point on the shoots and roots of plants
 Edge of young leaves have then spread ketulang chlorosis of leaves, buds or young shoots dead plants
 In older leaves brown spots appear, then turn yellow, dry up and die

Impacts and loss of Calcium and Magnesium deficiency:

Calcium and Magnesium deficiency in the soil, making the soil acidic reaction, resulting in other nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium are bound so it can not be absorbed by plants with a maximum, given pempukan ineffective and inefficient. low crop productivity decreases with the quality of the results are less good. economically harmful because of low incomes.
Calcium and Magnesium deficiency will increase the element of Al (aluminum), Fe (iron), Mn (manganese), Zn (cents) and Cu (copper), the substance in excessive amounts will become toxic to the soil, disturb plants, pools and ponds

Denutrisi in plants resulting in plant resistance to pests and diseases is low.

Basic fertilizer of neutral soil

1. mengadung elements N and P as: kletong cows, chickens, bats etc.

2. banana weevil contains many elements of Potassium


Nitrogen in plants as a constituent element is the building blocks of protein which is a high molecular weight compounds containing 15 -18% N and consists of chains of amino acids bound by peptide bonds. Protein is vital in the functioning of plants. Nitrogen transported to the leaf canopy as inorganic ions or can be in the reduction in the root area and transported in the form of organic N, amino acids or amides.

Kekuranga N causes the growth rate is very disturbed and plants to look emaciated. N deficiency also leaves will turn yellow or have a lower leaf klorosis.dimulai then all the leaves brown and die.

N deficiency often occurs in areas with a low N supply (soil and soil organic Pasiran with high rainfall), since N is lost as products in use, leaching, or denitrification then it must be balanced with an adequate intake of N fertilizer N when the crop expected either.

How to fertilize N

            Basic considerations in use to carry out pemupukkan Nitrogen is the nature available on or aksidatif aerobic conditions will be oxidized to nitrate in the form of negatively charged anions. If the negative charged anion can not be settled down in a long time around the roots. Negatively charged soil can not hold it, so the anion N will be leached deep into the soil layer to a depth of a reductive. efficiency is the lowest in pempupukkan pemupukkan that the sow. so that effecti pemupukkan should be buried until a reductive layer so that the N maĆ­z in the form of positively charged cations. To optimize pemupukkan need to do repeatedly. example if the dose is in need of 200 N / ha then given 2 -3 times within a specific time interval so that loss due to leaching and utilized fewer banyak.untuk plants more acidic environment of N fertilizer should be given the existing nitrate reacts alkaline. (eg ammonium nitrate) environmental neutral / alkaline you should use a fertilizer with manure mostly in the form of ammonium (urea).

Pemupukkan N through leaves in berbolehkan to overcome the obstacles in likungan roots but should with a low dose in kawatirkan of dehydration due to salt concentration in the leaves that causes brown spots and terbakar.kebutuhan N on prisipnya fixed by considering the roots are very much N needs.


Phosphorus levels in the plant last ranks lowest in the class of macro nutrients along with Ca, Mg, and S. levels Approximately 1 / 5 -1/10 levels of N.

The role of P in plants is to transfer energy. energy derived from the oxidation of sugar or photosynthesis. P pirophospaht transformed into an unstable bond in the form of adenosine triphosphat (ATP). ATP serves as the transfer of energy for the synthesis of biochemical reactions, such as synthesis of lipids, starch and protein, to the mechanism of active uptake of nutrient elements, tranpor substances through the membrane.

P also has an important role in plant membranes, where phosphorus is bound to the lipid molecules which are compounds known as P pertumbuahan fosfolipida.kekurang plant will be disrupted due to a decrease in the synthesis of membrane integrity and reduce fosfolipida immense influence on the process of photosynthesis, respiration, absorption ion, and the binding energy.

P deficiency signs:

- Pertumbuah Trubus low

- The color purple leaves (anthocyanin pigmentation

- Dark green color with abnormal growth.

To foster P

Constraints in pemupukkan P P is the nature of the precipitate in an acidic condition in the form of Fe phosphate and phosphate sedangakan AL in bases on endapkan in the form of calcium and magnesium. phosphate precipitate in the form will not be available in the plant. in limestone soil P in barengi pemupukkan with reactions such as the use of soil organic so happy willingness to P increases. contrary in acid soils can be directly ditersedia pempupukkan P because P soluble in acid.

In the land of high mountains containing alofan have properties that can perform high phosphate fixation, can reach 5 TP / ha, in a fixed state, phosphorus unavailable to plants.


Potassium (K) is the second largest after the nitrogen element in the larger tanaman.kadarnya 4-6 times greater than that of P, Ca, Mg, and S. Potassium absorption in the form of cations K monovalensi. K transformation does not occur in plants

The role of K in plants can be grouped into four:

1. Organic acid neutralization

Because of their abundance, these positively charged ions can balance out the negative charge of anion clusters of organic molecules, such as organic acids.

2. K ion actively played a vital role in relation to its functions air.jadi

Opening and closing of stomata, helps in reducing the loss kekembaban when crop stress menagalami water shortages.

Potassium deficiency (K) plant will:

 - Plants susceptible to disease

- When drought stress because the plants will lose control of speed and suffer drought transpirasii internal

- The stem will be weak and easy to collapse.

To foster WITH K:

The main issue in pemupukkan K is low due to loss of potassium when panen.kandungan peat soils of low K, and K fixation by clay minerals montmorillonite and soil within Grumosol. We recommend that the harvest of rice straw in the back and in the fuel as a substitute for the missing K fertilizer.

Potassium sources are:

- The remains of plants and microorganisms jasat

- Irrigation water and soil solution in

- Ash plants and fertilizers

- Ash leaf tea contains 50% potassium

- The young leaves of sugarcane contains 60-70% potassium


Sulfur content in plants similar to Ca, Mg, and P. sulfur moves upward in the plant in the form of SO 4 S anorganik.kekurangan young leaves will be chlorotic. leaves shriveled and did not develop if for bici grains are not optimal results.

S has been available in the soil, when will keracunan.S were mostly derived from MgSO4, FeSO4, ZnSO4 and sea salt contains sulfur.lautan is the source S and the volcano.


Calcium is absorbed by plants in the form of Ca. Klasium in plants are dlama divalent cations form or bound to macromolecules or precipitated as calcium salts

Calcium (Ca) is a very important element in the nutrition of all types of higher plants, but some elusive physiological functions. Physiological function of calcium is as follows:

- Structure and function in the cell wall and membrane

- Transport of various compounds into the cell

- Increasing levels of mitochondrial proteins

- Elongation of cells, roots and shoots of plants

- Structure and stability of chromosomal

- Translocation karbonhidrat

Ca deficiency resulted in al:

- Growing point in the roots will suffer

- Roots grow like mad, become damaged structure, shows such as twisted and bent padak growth point, an acute shortage will die.

- The leaves will yellow to white, then leaf chlorosis will scroll, and plant growth will be in chaos.

To foster CALCIUM (CA)

CA is used to improve soil reaction on tanah2 tropical and peat soils that are in need of lime asam.untuk determine levels of aluminum can be tested in the exchange (ALdd)

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